
New York Mayor Eric Adams vows to fight ‘false’ federal charges

HISTORY: ::25 September 2024

::New York Mayor Eric Adams vows to fight

He calls federal allegations “completely false”

::New York

::Eric Adams/Mayor/New York City

“My fellow New Yorkers, I now believe that the federal government intends to charge me with crimes. If so, these charges will be completely false and based on lies. But you would not be surprised. I always knew that if I took my stand, all of you, I would be a target. Every target I became. For months, leaks and rumors have been targeted at me to undermine my credibility and paint me as guilty. Just last week, they searched our new police chief's home for documents from 20 years ago. Just one week after he joined my administration. Enough is enough. I will fight these injustices with every ounce of my strength. If I am charged, I know I am innocent. I will seek an immediate trial so New Yorkers can know the truth. New Yorkers know my story. You know where I came from. I have fought injustice my entire life. That fight has continued as your mayor, despite our pleas. When the federal government did nothing, when their failed immigration policies overwhelmed our housing system with no help, I put the people of New York before party and politics. Now, if I am impeached, many will say I should resign because I cannot lead the city while I fight the case. I can also understand that New Yorkers worry every day that I cannot do my job while facing accusations. But I have been subjected to these lies for months, since I began speaking for all of you and their investigation began. And yet, things have continued to improve in the city. Make no mistake. You elected me to lead this city and I will lead it. I humbly ask for your prayers and patience as we get through this. God bless you and God bless the City of New York. Thank you.”

Adams, a Democrat who was the first of the city's 110 mayors to be criminally charged during his term, said in a video message that if charges were brought, they would be “completely false and based on lies.” He vowed to stay in office while fighting the charges.

“If I am charged, I know I am innocent. I will demand a prompt trial so New Yorkers can know the truth,” Adams said.

He defied calls from Democratic politicians for his resignation, saying: “You elected me to lead this city and I will lead it.”

The indictment is expected to be released on Thursday, when Adams could appear in court, the Times reported. The exact charges, however, remained unclear. It also remained unclear whether Adams would be arrested or turn himself in voluntarily.