
Ross convicted of serious drug conspiracy | News

An Oak Hill man was sentenced to prison Tuesday for drug conspiracy.

According to Fayette County District Attorney Anthony Ciliberti Jr., 27-year-old Jacob William Edward Ross was sentenced by District Judge Paul M. Bake Jr. to 20 years in prison for the crime of conspiracy to violate the Uniform Controlled Substances Act.

According to a press release from Ciliberti, Ross pleaded guilty to the crime on July 24. In 2018, Ross was convicted in Cabell County of aggravated conspiracy to commit drug trafficking and in Fayette County of aiding and abetting the imprisonment of an adult.

Because Ross is a repeat drug trafficking offender, Ciliberti said, the court increased his sentence by doubling the maximum penalty. Ross must spend at least five years in prison before he can be released on parole.

On November 8, 2023, police stopped the vehicle driven by Ross in Oak Hill for an expired registration. Upon searching the vehicle and a passenger in the vehicle, a large amount of suspected methamphetamine was found in the passenger's pocket, the release states. The passenger was also armed with a semi-automatic pistol.

A bag in the vehicle contained a small amount of other suspected illegal drugs and items commonly used to sell illegal drugs. Forensic testing confirmed the seized drugs were methamphetamine, weighing approximately half a pound. According to the release, further investigation revealed that Ross had given the inmate the firearm to carry as they drove to Beckley to purchase the illegal drugs. At his hearing, Ross admitted to conspiring with the passenger to purchase and sell methamphetamine in Fayette County.

This crime was investigated by the Oak Hill Police Department. The charges were brought by Assistant District Attorney Jennifer D. Crane.