
Second floor window broken in Giles Hall after collision – Troubadour

On September 23, a second floor window was broken in Giles Hall.

According to reports, three female and two male students were running down the hallway when one of them ran into the window, shattering the glass.

The students involved received medical attention after sustaining injuries in the incident.

“At first it seemed quiet in the hall, and then we heard a loud crash,” said a freshman who lives in a room next to the window. “We didn't think it was anything until we came out of our room and saw broken glass.

“One of the students had a completely cut arm and another had some injuries.”

The student said many of the people living in Giles gathered to witness the aftermath.

“It was chaos and everyone came upstairs to see what was going on,” the student said. “First came Residence Life, then the police and finally some administrators.”

The student said Residence Life “didn’t seem happy” about the incident.

Staff directed students to return to their rooms, but many remained on the second floor after the incident.

On the social media platform YikYak, many students posted pictures and discussed the excitement of the evening.

“Two people were racing down the hallway and one didn’t stop in time,” a student said on the platform Monday. “He’s damned from what I’ve heard.”

Another student said that as he walked past Giles the night of the incident, he saw campus police and two ambulances outside the building.

“Did Giles blow up?” one student posted after hearing the sound of the window shattering.

Finally, they started cleaning up the hall and put plywood over the window. Blood stains in a nearby bathroom also needed to be cleaned up.

“A local vendor, AmeriGlass, was on campus the day after the incident,” Dave Williams, director of SFU’s physical plant, said in an email.

“They’re going to fix the window. The time frame is uncertain depending on how quickly they can obtain the necessary materials, but they are expediting the process to the best of their ability.”

SFU Residence Life and the students involved in the incident declined to comment for this story.