
Kim Richards taken into psychiatric custody after relapse: report

Kim Richards was recently admitted to the psychiatric hospital after suffering a relapse into drug abuse.

According to insiders, the move comes after the former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills got into an argument with sister Kyle Richards earlier this month.

Unfortunately, the 72-hour break seemed to have little impact as Kim and Kyle clashed again this week.

Kim Richards speaks about her time on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills during a reunion show. (Bravo)

It appears that Kim has been living in a house that belongs to Kyle. But the offer of free accommodation was withdrawn following her recent relapse. And then there was a confrontation this week.

Kim Richards in psychiatric custody: what happened? What happens next?

Unfortunately, this isn't the first time in recent years that a troubled celebrity has been taken into psychiatric care.

Stars like Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes were forced to undergo treatment…