
Mom goes viral with video about preparing to shoot at school

“:( had to tell my 5 year old not to try to save his brother and to listen to his teacher when she said all eyes were on me.” One parent wrote: “H“I said, 'But my brother is so loud, mom… is he going to die at the hands of the bad man?'”

“This…hurts my heart” another person shared. “My niece wanted light-up shoes for school, so we got them. She came home crying because she was told no, because if she ran in an emergency, the bad guys would see her.”

Another parent explained: “This is wild. I tell mine to find the nearest window and get out. We rehearsed opening it on the day of the teacher meeting.”

“My 7-year-old nephew recently had a practice at her school“ says another comment. “I spent the day 1:1 with him the other day and he asks, 'What if a bad guy comes and mom and dad are too far away to get me?'”

“I had to tell my son not to be a hero (he's the type who stands up for others). It breaks my heart but the priority is getting out of this alive 💔,” another wrote.