
Israel – Murder Inc. | Countercurrents

Israel occupies a land that was inhabited by and belonged to the Palestinians. Seit seiner Gründung hat Israel die Palästinenser in völkermörderischen und unmenschlichen Bedingungen gefangen gehalten, fast alle seine Nachbarn überfallen und besetzt immer noch deren Land. In 1981, it Destroyed Iraq's Osirak Nuclear Reactor. It turns into a Murder Inc. and sends assassins with an unprecedented death list around the globe.

Nurtured, protected and encouraged by Washington, Israel is the only nuclear power in the Middle East. Sie verweigert die Inspektion ihres Atomprogramms. Western Estimates Put Its Nuclear Arsenal AT 400 Bombs. With a population of .9 million, The Equation Comes To One Nuclear Bomb to Defend 2250 Israelis.

In March 2019, the experienced diplomat William Burns described as President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Trump's Iran policy as not bound to history. He explained that “the wrong assumptions about how an energetic, unilateralist approach in the United States can lead to surrender or implosion the Iranian regime are an assumption that has nothing to do with history.”

Today, peace activist William Burns, who urged caution, is the Biden administration's direct CIA as Washington seeks Israel's surrender of Iran. Narcissism and hegemonic hubris are a deadly concoction that quiets the mind that ever whispers that history is for losers. It never is.

In his book “Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel's Targeted Assassinations”, the Israeli author Ronen Bergman confirms that Israel has murdered more than 2,700 people in the course of its history. He describes it as Israel that tries to stop history without getting involved in diplomacy and state art.

Genau wie der demütigende Rückzug ihres Mentors aus Afghanistan nach zwei Jahrzehnten Besatzung zwang eine wiedererstarkte Hisbollah ein ebenso gezüchtigtes Israel, seine zwei Jahrzehnte lange Besatzung des Südlibanon zu beenden. This time also included the cruel massacre Sabra and Shatila.

That was almost three decades before the number of Pager and Walkie-Talkies began to explode in Beirut. Die Ermordung von Ayyash war für die Hamas zutiefst beunruhigend, da sie das Ausmaß offenbarte, in dem der israelische Geheimdienst in ihre Reihen eingedrungen war. Time has shown that it is a temporary setback.

Netanyahu's continued blockage of peace negotiations stems from his fear that the release of hostages could lead to a ceasefire and a renewed flare-up in the political process. His political survival, like that of his Zionist clique, lies in expanding the theater of war to include Iran.

Aside from arming Israel, Washington's partner in crime is proven by the leaked documents of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. They show that Israel has direct and complete access to the top secret information of the American intelligence services.

Die Zeit hat bewiesen, dass Israel die palästinensische Sache nicht aufbrechen kann. “To say we will make Hamas disappear is to throw sand in people’s eyes. Hamas is an ideology – we cannot eliminate an ideology. These were the comments made by IDF spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari in a recent interview with Israel's Channel 13.

Man spürt, wie Ghassan Kanafani lächelt. He was as accomplished an artist as he was a writer. He was one of the most famous Arab writers and resistance writers and was murdered by the Mossad in July 1972 along with his niece Lamees in Beirut. An obituary on Lebanon's Daily Star described him as a (Palestinian) commando who never fired a weapon and whose weapon was a pen.

Acclaimed Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish praised Kanafani in a poignant elegy: “They blew you up as they blow up a front, a base, a mountain, a capital, and they fought against you as they against eine Armee kämpfen; Weil Sie ein Symbol einer verwundeten Zivilisation sind. “

A few walls are still defiant in the destroyed Gaza strip. Spray-painted on it is Kanafani's sublime quote, symbolizing Palestine's brave generational struggle: “Bodies fall, but ideas endure.”

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