
El Espanyol released by Veliz y Cardona en Punta y Greif is the meta title in Mallorca

Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona), Oct. 5 (EFE). – The Espanyol national team speaks about the defeat of Javier Puado in the first round (2:00 p.m.) at the RCDE Stadium through the Argentine Alejo Veliz and the French Irvin Cardona, mientras that the Slovakian Dominik Greif took over the title holder in Mallorca.

The anfitrión buscará regresar a la senda del triunfo with el siguiente once initially: Joan García; El Hilali, Kumbulla, Sergi Gómez, Carlos Romero; Gragera, Pol Lozano, Kral, Jofre; Veliz and Cardona.

The Balearic Cuadro was presented with griffin by its part in the white feudal rule; Maffeo, Raíllo, Copete, Mojica; Mascarell, Samu Costa; Robert Navarro, Darder, Larin, Dani Rodríguez and Larin.

El Espanyol went into the duel with three consecutive games: Madrid (4-1), Villarreal (1-2) and Betis (1-0), while Mallorca beat Real Sociedad (1-0) with three three-legged wins. , Betis (1-2) and Valladolid (1-2). EFE
