
Aldi is selling heart-shaped bread with liquid Camembert for Valentine's Day

From Good Housekeeping

Valentine's Day is fast approaching and there's a lot to organize: flowers, gifts, dinner. But all we can think of is that heart-shaped, doughy camembert and bread combo from Aldi. We're just not so sure about sharing…

The rich and creamy Camembert filling is surrounded by a hearty sharing bread, served crispy warm and costs a modest £2.99.

It's a perfect treat for Valentine's Day and not only can you share it with your better half, but you can also enjoy it with your family, roommates, or even by yourself. You get in the Valentine's Day spirit AND get to eat a pot of melted cheese. It's a win-win.

Alex Hale, food specialist at Good Housekeeping, tried the romantic offer and it seems to have lived up to expectations.

Alex told us: “This pretty heart-shaped Sharing Bread from Aldi with Camembert filling is the perfect size for two. The bread has a delicious flavour of caramelised red onion and herbs, while the cheese is rich and creamy with a subtle but pleasant flavour.

“The bread needed to stay in the oven a little longer to get it crispy enough to dip in the melted cheese, so make sure you have a few spoons on hand to get your fair share of the cheese!”

Spoonfuls of cheese… we're in.

Photo credit: Aldi

Photo credit: Aldi

And for all the big kids out there, part of the supermarket's Valentine's Day offer is the return of its iconic Chicken Love Nuggets (£1.99, 350g). Tasty nuggets made from 100% chicken breast, shaped into playful hearts. And this year they're gluten-free.

You could even dip the nuggets in the cheese.

We have never been more excited about Valentine's Day.

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