
Event report from July 27, 2024 (#634)

Parkrunner Jonnie Armstrong wrote about his time at Valentines on Saturday 27 July 2024:

I arrived at Valentines Park early after walking from my hotel in Barking. It was a wonderful day with lovely sunshine in the sky and a positive feeling that didn't fade when I found the park itself. Valentines Park is a beautiful park with a boating lake as a lovely focal point and many other attractions which I am sure will mean it is an asset to the wider community.

Today was supposed to be the 634th Valentine's Day parkrun event.

I waited near the start point with other tourists and then (it seemed) within an instant all the volunteers were there organising the start position. I introduced myself to the race director – Andrew Gwilliam – and what a lovely man. I volunteer quite a lot on my trips (in various roles) and I feel like I can usually tell the great volunteer teams by the leadership of the race director – and this was obviously a good team. While I waited to chat to Andrew, banter and good humour abounded. This is a great parkrun.

Soon it was time for the newbies' briefing and Janet Webb gave a captivating talk and we listened to her information respectfully and with genuine interest. There were plenty of “V-hunting” tourists there and they would not be disappointed.

Just before 9am Andrew began the race leader briefing and (especially given the size of the parkrun) it was delivered with clarity, feeling, professionalism and fun. Soon it was time to set off and there were a lot of us (well over 300) running the course but the start area was spacious and we quickly found our way around without any problems.

People listening to Andrew at the meeting

The course itself is flat and on paved paths. As I mentioned, the park is pretty and since there was a lot to see along the way, it was an interesting course. Plus, the weather was wonderful. All of these things should be enough to make it a wonderful day, but the missing ingredient was the volunteers and those volunteers made the day amazing.

Volunteer Marshal Sean with his guitar

The very first stewards we saw were so lively and encouraging that it was impossible not to smile. Next, an steward was dancing (or running?) in place. Their smiles were infectious. Another steward played his guitar for us and each steward did their part as they should – lots of encouragement and smiles. For me, the stewards made the run. They were incredible.

When I finished the run, the funnel was expertly handled (although in fairness it could have done with a proper 'finish' sign) and again the token team were smiling as they made sure we all stayed in line and in the correct position.

A park runner is stopped as she finishes her run

It was wonderful to see the Duke of Edinburgh Award volunteers at the scan point. They were all clearly having fun and giving something back to their community. And indeed, it is a community that makes up Valentines parkrun. The beauty of the venue and the spirit of the volunteers make it a place every runner should visit (and not just because it starts with V!). It was definitely a hit with me.

The barcode scanners in use
310 people completed the parkrun on this fast course. Seventeen of the runners had never taken part in a parkrun before and Valentines Parkrun was their first ever event. They will not have been disappointed. The fastest runner was Samuel Crane, a junior runner who raced to the finish line in a time of 17:33. But he was not alone, the top eight runners all finished under 20 minutes.

I will remember my visit to Valentines Parkrun as a happy and uplifting experience. I entered the park with a smile on my face and left with a big grin.

Thank you Valentines Parkrun, you were amazing

Report writer Jonnie smiles next to the Valentines Parkrun pop-up banner