
Fox News is more concerned with the burnt Christmas tree than with January 6 in a devastating supercut

CNN's Brianna Keilar drew a scathing comparison between Fox News' breathless coverage of the arson of his Christmas tree and its coverage of the riots at the U.S. Capitol.

The attack on the conservative broadcaster's “All-American Christmas Tree” in front of the News Corp. building in Manhattan early Wednesday was a “serious incident,” Keilar acknowledged on Thursday's “New Day” show.

“Of course it's incredibly scary to feel like your workplace is under attack, unless … the workplace is the Capitol,” she said. “Then, according to many, many Fox anchors, it's not that big of a deal.”

Keilar aired a montage of Fox personalities politicizing her destroyed tree and then another downplaying the deadly Donald Trump-inspired insurrection on January 6.

“At Fox, it's sacrilege when a workplace Christmas tree is the target,” she said. “But when it's the seat of American democracy, it's not.”

“Imagine if Fox hosts could muster the same outrage for an armed attack on the Capitol as they did for their Christmas tree,” Keilar added. “Perhaps some of the nearly half of Republicans who believe January 6 was a legitimate protest might actually see it for what it really was.”

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This article originally appeared on HuffPost and has been updated.
