
Looking back at Twinkle Khanna's hilarious take on what Valentine's Day gifts look like after 20 years of marriage | Hindi Movie News

Valentine's Day is a day celebrated all over the world and lovers go crazy coming up with plans and unique gift ideas to surprise their soulmate. But what about the couples who have crossed the 20-year mark? Although many might be speechless to answer this question, Twinkle Khanna gave a quirky response and shared her quirky view on love and celebrating this special day.
Twinkle Khanna shared her views on consumerism that is Valentine's Day and shared a rather amusing update about her InstagramShe wrote: “It is possible that Valentine's Day itself began as an experiment. In some medieval version of a board meeting, there must have been a discussion about how sales had dropped in the post-Christmas lull and how people who were already broke needed to be persuaded to buy presents for the same people again with their next paycheck. On the other hand, the German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt once said, “An experience does not come into being until it is spoken. And if it is not spoken, it does not exist, so to speak.” With all its consumerism, Valentine's Day perhaps makes the abstraction of love more concrete. Yet if you ask women who have been married for over a decade, the most honest answer to the question, “What did your husband give you on Valentine's Day?” would be, “Headache, as usual.”
Love may actually be the ultimate thought experiment. It's a paradox where accepting each other's flaws creates an imperfectly perfect union, with or without wilting red roses and an Archie card with two cartoon hearts winking at each other.' Advertisement for the rest of her column in the Times of India.
Twinkle Khanna and Akshay Kumar They have been married since 2001 and have two children, Aarav and Nitara. The couple celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary in London in January. Twinkle released her fourth book titled 'Welcome to Paradise' this year in 2023.