
Why Ali Larter is obsessed with Christmas

Ali Larter is obsessed with Christmas.

For the 42-year-old actress, who rose to fame in 1999 with the classic “Varsity Blues” and can currently be seen in the ABC series “Splitting Up Together,” December is one of her most beautiful moments of the year.

Christmas songs by Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Ella Fitzgerald and Mariah Carey are constantly playing in their household.

“It's just one of those moments where I allow myself to do it without any embarrassment,” she told “Good Morning America.”

Larter said her husband has a habit of claiming every year that he doesn't want “anything” for Christmas.

“We have a Grinch in our house who says, 'Nothing! Nothing' – even though he comes to his senses in the end,” she joked, referring to her husband, comedian and actor Hayes MacArthur.

As a New Jersey native, she has always enjoyed the colder seasons and her family traditions.

One of her favorite games with her two children Theodore and Vivienne is “Santa Mouse,” which she played as a child.

“We actually have this little mouse,” she said. “On Christmas Eve, the Christmas Mouse comes. You either go to church or take a walk or something, and when you leave, you leave a little cheese for the Christmas Mouse.”

“When you come back that night, Christmas Eve, Santa Mouse has hidden a pair of pajamas somewhere in the house, and the children run in and look for them.”

The game is based on the 1966 children’s book “Santa Mouse” by author Michael Brown.

Larter said she grew up running into her house and looking for the pajamas, just like her kids do now. And she loves that the game also makes for an adorable family photo on Christmas morning!

Elf on the Shelf is also well received by her children.

Another aspect of the holidays she loves is giving gifts. “I love buying people gifts, that's what makes it fun for me,” she said.

The actress has collaborated with Marshalls this season as she is a big fan of the discount department store's affordable offerings.

“I grew up with Marshalls and always loved shopping there with my mom,” she said. “Marshalls is like a little treasure hunt. You go in and find all these surprising, great gifts at great prices.”

“They restock every week before the holidays, so there are new things for the kids,” she added.

“It makes shopping a little more fun and you can find all the special things for the people on your list,” she said.

This Christmas, Larter is also looking forward to finally moving into her new home in California, which her family has been renovating for about two years.

“We did a major remodel. It was supposed to be a small house, but it just kept getting bigger,” she said. “I'm just so happy that I can spend some of the holidays there.”

For New Year's Eve she decides to have a rather quiet, relaxed evening.

“We're putting the projector away – we don't have any furniture yet, so I'm going to throw some bean bags on the floor and watch the East Coast feed and just sit there with my kids and my husband and drink a great bottle of wine.”

“I want to make popcorn and just be together in our new home. I'm really looking forward to that – and playing games!” she added.

“It's just a time of reflection and great gratitude for my family, the health of my family and the spirit of my children,” she said of the holidays. “It's just a time of year that I love.”