
James Valentine returns to air today on ABC Radio Sydney

After a break for cancer treatment, James Valentine today returns to the airwaves on ABC Radio Sydney afternoons.

In March, Valentine told his listeners that he had a malignant tumor in his esophagus.

In an article he wrote, Valentine says, “I told everyone not to worry. A surgeon would remove my entire esophagus and create a new one by connecting the upper part of my stomach to my throat.”

“I'm fine,” I said. “It'll take a while, but I'll be back.”

“I don't think anyone who heard that show believed I would be OK.”

Valentine writes that everything felt like it happened very quickly.

“One day I'll be fine, then I'll be diagnosed in December 2023, a few weeks later I'll have chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and in April I'll have full surgery.”

Valentine says he decided to spend his final days before losing a vital organ doing the things he loves.

“I play some saxophone concerts and spend a lot of time with my wife and children.”

“I faced what was coming and at the same time avoided it.”

Valentine says a friend suggested he go to a Professor Michael Bourke at Westmead Hospital in Sydney.

Valentine realized that he might be able to undergo a less invasive procedure.

“If I qualify and my tumor is not too advanced or spread, he can remove the cancer cells endoscopically – just insert them into my throat and cut them out – and then just observe.”

When Valentine learned he was the right candidate, he talked about the difficult decision he had to make.

“In the end, I decided how to deal with my gut feeling by listening to my gut feeling.”

“I would rather do something less invasive. I can handle the risk of future cancer. I prefer that risk to the risk of morbidity.”

“What I did is my decision. For many sufferers, surgery is the best and only option.”

“Nothing like a life-threatening illness to put things in perspective.”

Valentine says that he is now going to throw himself into life.

“And as always, I have no idea what's coming next.”

Tim Webster – who has been keeping the spot warm during Valentine's absence – will be heard on other shifts at the station in the coming months, starting on weekends.

James Valentine can be heard on ABC Radio Sydney today from 12:30pm.