
August 13, 2024 – Official website of the government of Arlington County, Virginia

Published on August 13, 2024

This report is published every business day, excluding county holidays. The information in each report generally relates to significant criminal incidents from the previous day; reports published on Monday relate to the previous Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Some incidents may occur a day or two after the event. This report is not a comprehensive list of all police calls in Arlington County during the time period indicated. Addresses shown are block-level, not specific addresses. For more information about crime in your area, visit our online crime mapping tool.

Note: The information contained in the Daily Crime Report is generally based on the initial reports received by the police department. Subsequent investigations may reveal different or additional information. All persons arrested or charged with a crime are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, and charges may be changed during the trial. For case status information, visit the Virginia Judicial System website.


ROBBERY, 2024-08110130, 1000 block of N Fillmore Street. On August 11, police were called at approximately 3:31 p.m. to a report of a violent robbery. Upon arrival, it was found that the male suspect had entered the store and concealed merchandise in a backpack before being confronted by an employee. The suspect pushed past the employee, exited the store, and fled the scene on foot. No injuries were reported. Officers who responded to the call searched the area for the suspect, with no results. The suspect is described as a black male, 5'10″ to 6'10″ tall, approximately 50 to 60 years old, wearing a black shirt, black shorts, and gray and white shoes. The investigation is ongoing.

Robbery (late), 2024-08120108, 2500 block of 20 piecesth N. Street. On August 12th at approximately 12:18 p.m., police were dispatched to the District Court for a violent robbery. Upon arrival, the victim reported that on August 10th at approximately 3:16 a.m., the suspect, who is known to the victim, entered the victim's home, beat him, and demanded his television. The suspect then stole the victim's television. No injuries were reported. The investigation is ongoing.

SHOPLIFTING, 2024-08100144, 1000 block of S. Hayes Street

THEFT, 2024-08100153, 1700 block of N. Lynn Street

DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, 2024-08110171, 2500 block of Washington Boulevard

THEFT, 2024-08120085, 1600 block of 18th Street N.

SHOPLIFTING, 2024-08120090, 700 block of N. Glebe Road

THEFT FROM CARS, 2024-08120095, 400 block of S. Adams Street

THEFT, 2024-08120130, 2800 block of S. Randolph Street

THEFT FROM CARS, 2024-08120154, 2300 block of Wilson Boulevard

THREATS, 2024-08120166, 1800 block of N. Culpeper Street

THEFT FROM CARS, 2024-08120180, 1300 block of 17th Street N.

THEFT, 2024-08120194, 3700 block of Langston Boulevard

bodily harm, 2024-08130014, 2100 block of Clarendon Boulevard

bodily harm, 2024-08130025, 800 block of S. Greenbrier Street


24.12.2022 Tesla Model Y, White

2700 block of S. Glebe Road

12/24/08, MX FUL442A, 2019 Mazda CX-3, Red

3700 block of 5th Street S.

12/24/08, VA TZE69, 2006 Honda Civic, Black

1700 block of N. Lynn Street

12/24/08, DC JJ5565, 2012 Buick Lacrosse, Black

2800 block of Richmond Highway


THEFT, 2024-08124005, 3400 block of 13th Street N.

THEFT, 2024-08124006, 2300 block of S. Meade Street

THEFT FROM CARS, 2024-08124008, 3500 block of S. Clark Street

HARASSMENT, 2024-08124009, 5600 block of 4th Street S.

THEFT, 2024-08124010, 2300 block of 27th Street S.

THEFT FROM CARS, 2024-08124011, 1600 block of N. Fillmore Street

FRAUD, 2024-08124013, 2300 block of S. Eads Street

FRAUD, 2024-08124014, 5300 block of Columbia Pike

BLACKMAIL, 2024-08124015, 300 block of N. Oxford Street

THEFT, 2024-08124016, 2600 block of Crystal Drive

Suspicious circumstances, 2024-08124017, 1400 block of N. Courthouse Road

THEFT, 2024-08124018, 4100 block of 35th Street N.

THEFT, 2024-08124019, 1400 block of N. Hartford Street

THEFT, 2024-08124020, 700 block of S. Wayne Street

DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY, 2024-08124021, 2200 block of S. Buchanan Street

THEFT, 2024-08124022, 1000 block of N. Fillmore Street

FRAUD, 2024-08124023, 5100 block of N. Carlin Springs Road

THEFT, 2024-08124024, 800 block of N. Garfield Street

THEFT, 2024-08124025, 3800 block of N. Woodstock Street

FRAUD, 2024-08124026, 2000 block of Wilson Boulevard