
Crime in US cities is falling sharply

→ Crime in US cities drops sharply

Crime in American cities continues to decline, according to a new report from Axios It found a 6% decrease in violent crime in the first six months of 2024 compared to the same period last year.

The Democrats are already taking a victory lap, Axiosbut the data suggests a slow return to normalcy after a historic rise in crime as American cities scaled back police presence in 2020.

The outlet doesn't compare 2024 and 2019 because NYC declined to give the Major Cities Chiefs Association its more recent data. However, the organization reported increases in the murder rate (25%) and aggravated assault (11.6) from 2019 to 2020, while other data sets show violent crime increased 5.5% from 2019 to 2020. So a return to normal isn't exactly a sure thing. Can the Democrats reposition themselves as a party of law and order?

→ CNN becomes a laughing stock late at night

Nobody — including the presumably left-leaning audience of Stephen Colbert’s Late Show – believes that CNN is a completely objective medium.

CNN anchor Kaitlin Collins, who appeared on the show last night, was discussing Joe Biden's withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race when Colbert remarked that CNN was “objective” and “just reported the news as it is,” to laughter from the audience.

“Was that supposed to be a funny remark?” Collins asked. “It wasn't supposed to be, but I guess it is,” Colbert said, and the audience laughed again. A friendly audience is not always a good thing.