
The remake of a true crime drama must find its fans

The real battle of butterfly begins when Henri meets a rich geek named Louis Dega on the prison ship traveling from France to South America. Dega has been sentenced to prison for making counterfeit money and expects everything to be easy for him. He believes that a beautiful woman will be waiting for him and prison seems like a mild punishment.

However, Henri is aware that Louis is being targeted for his money and offers to protect him if Louis will help him finance Henri's escape in return. Louis laughs at Henri and refuses.

That night, Louis is awakened lying on the floor of the ship, surrounded by other prisoners. He listens in fear as a rich fellow prisoner is slit open to get the money he has swallowed.

The next morning, Louis agrees to Henri's deal and the two quickly become allies. Louis' money finances their escape plans and Henri's wit and brawn keep them alive. Papillon gives us a detailed look at the brutality of this prison colony.