
Scouting: A path to independence and freedom – Academia

In mid-August, Indonesia celebrates National Scout Day on August 14 and Independence Day on August 17. The former is usually a low-key day, while the latter is celebrated with community activities.

Indonesia's independence is evident in several dimensions. Politically, it is reflected in the creation of a sovereign government both internally and externally and in the protection of fundamental freedoms, civil liberties and human rights. The state also has a clearly defined territory.

Economically, independence is demonstrated by the ability of the state and the active participation of its citizens in managing the national economy to promote common prosperity. Culturally, the nation fulfills its responsibility to advance civilization through the national education system and the development of science and technology.

In particular, Indonesia's independence can be preserved through the cultural dimension by promoting character building, which has its roots in the Scout movement.

There are three main reasons why Scouting plays a crucial role in supporting the national education system. As an extracurricular activity, Scouting promotes the mentality, talents, work ethic, solidarity, independence and social responsibility of young people.

First, experiences and reflections on participating in Scouting activities have shown that these activities are consistent with efforts to promote civic virtues. This unique republican education focuses on optimizing important civic qualities: self-control, courage, knowledge, and justice. In the context of Platonic thought, reason plays a crucial role in guiding these virtues (Setyo Wibowo, 2010).

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Second, the integration of Scouting into the basic education system contributes significantly to the character development of young people. In essence, character education based on Scouting activities encourages young people to develop a creative and inclusive community, rather than a consumerist and exclusive generation. It also promotes new habits that emphasize the promotion of freedom of opinion and expression, as well as the willingness to lead and be guided by others.