
Neighbors call for safety in neighborhood after accident left three people dead and six others injured

KANSAS CITY, Missouri – Neighbors are calling for safety measures after a fatal crash at the corner of East 35th Street and Norton Avenue left three dead and six injured Tuesday.

Andrew McCartney says a typical day in his neighborhood is dangerous.

Andrae Hannon/KSHB 41

Andrew McCartney

“People here speed every day, several times a day,” McCartney said. “In the middle of the night they shoot into the woods and overtake cars by driving into oncoming traffic.”

Tuesday was no different.

According to KCPD, three people were killed and six injured in a crash between a blue Kia Soul and a white Chevy Tahoe on Tuesday.

Accident at 35th and Norton Avenue

KSHB 41 Newsroom

Accident at 35th and Norton Avenue

The Kia was reportedly stolen and was traveling at a high rate of speed when it attempted to pass the Chevy on the left side.

After colliding with the Chevy, the Kia struck a utility pole and overturned at the corner of 35th and Norton.

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Andrae Hannon/KSHB 41

On Tuesday morning, crews were out to repair the damaged mast.

According to investigators, there were eight people – including several children – in the Kia at the time.

Neighbors like McCartney say they ran out of their homes and to the scene to help when they heard the accident.

“Right after we heard the car flying through the air at high speed, we heard the impact and I said, 'That sounds like a bad accident,' so I went out and assessed the damage and it looked really bad,” McCartney said. “Just blood and bodies everywhere.”

Marques Johnson was just getting into his car a few doors down when he saw the accident unfold.

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Andrae Hannon/KSHB 41

Marques Johnson

“I was the first on the scene and I ran straight to the car. I tried, I thought about pulling the child out, but in the condition of the car it was not safe to pull the child out,” said Johnson. “I literally burst into tears because I saw a child hanging out of the car, all I could do was cry.”

One day later, the image is still present.

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Al Miller/KSHB 41

From there, he called 911, but said it felt like 20 minutes passed before anyone arrived on the scene.

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Al Miller/KSHB 41

“Honestly, I don’t think they came fast enough,” Johnson said.

McCartney says it's difficult to get any help there at all.

“I've made several reports in the couple of years I've lived here and nothing seems to get done,” McCartney said. “I access the myKCMO app and report about sidewalks and curbs and people speeding.”

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Andrae Hannon/KSHB 41

Dilapidated sidewalk along 35th Street across from McCartney's house.

KSHB 41 researched its inquiries in the app itself; some of them are still active.

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Andrae Hannon/KSHB 41

McCartney retrieves the requests he made through the myKCMO app.

“On August 2 alone, I wrote, let's see, five reports,” he said as he showed his complaints to Rachel Henderson of KSHB 41.

He and Johnson say an incident like Tuesday's was inevitable given the neglect they have seen in their neighborhood, but it didn't have to happen.

“It just makes me sick how this happened and all of this could have been prevented,” Johnson said.

That's what they both say, and incidents like this make them want to move out, especially when children are involved.

“I have a five-year-old myself, so it really hurts,” Johnson said. “We have to keep these kids buckled up, in car seats, booster seats, whatever they need. They have to be buckled up.”

While they still hope for more safety measures such as speed limit signs and speed bumps, they are also calling on their community to get involved for the benefit of young people.

“You better look after these kids, drive carefully and take it easy, life is too short,” McCartney said.

KSHB 41 reporter Rachel Henderson covers neighborhoods in Wyandotte and Leavenworth counties. Share your story idea with Rachel.