
Accused MTA attacker must be examined more closely in court

The man accused of attacking MTA employee Alexander Wright in 2022 appeared in court on Wednesday.

In August 2022, Anthony Nelson was working at Pelham Park No. 6 station and was told that people were being harassed outside the station.

Prosecutors say Nelson rushed to help and was thrown to the ground by Wright, injuring his right shoulder. Prosecutors say they are prepared to go to trial, but a judge says more research is needed.

MTA officials, members of the Transportation Workers Union and Nelson's friends and family say there have been delays in getting justice.

Wright is due back in court on September 26.

The Bronx District Attorney’s Office issued the following statement:

“Today, the case against Alexander Wright for the assault of MTA worker Anthony Nelson in a Bronx subway station was placed on the Bronx Supreme Court calendar for an update and possible decision. Defense counsel requested an adjournment to continue efforts to review a possible mental health treatment decision under the Judicial Treatment and Diversion portion. Judge Riviezzo of the Bronx Supreme Court granted the adjournment request. The next court date is set for September 26, 2024. The Bronx District Attorney's Office is ready for trial. We are committed to pursuing a just outcome in this case and will continue to provide support through our Crime Victims Assistance Bureau.”