
He was accused of causing a drunken car crash in Richmond that killed a passenger. He was then charged with another count of drunken driving while prosecutors considered charges.

RICHMOND – Prosecutors here have charged a man not only for killing a relative in an alleged drunken driving accident in 2022, but also for being arrested again for drunken driving more than two years later.

Juan Hipolito-Gudino, 31, was charged in July with involuntary manslaughter in connection with the death of Crescencio Barrientos Blanco in a car crash on Feb. 5, 2022. He was also charged with two misdemeanor counts of driving while intoxicated in March 2024, court records show. During both arrests, Hipolito-Gudino was found to be legally intoxicated, according to the indictment.

Hipolito-Gudino has pleaded not guilty and is due back in court in September. He will remain incarcerated while the case is pending, according to court records.

Authorities say Hipolito-Gudino and Barrientos Blanco were cousins ​​and the accident happened in Richmond. His 2024 drunken driving arrest also occurred in Contra Costa, according to the complaint.

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