
American ballerina sentenced to 12 years in prison in Russia

An American ballerina was sentenced to 12 years in prison by a court. Russian on trial for high treason.

Ksenia Karelina was arrested by Russian authorities after she made a donation of $51.80 to a Ukrainian United States-based charity that provides humanitarian aid to children and the elderly.

The 33-year-old dancer has dual Russian-American citizenship. She was visiting her parents and grandmother when Russian authorities checked her cell phone and found the donation.

Karelina's boyfriend Chris Van Heerden spoke to Inside Edition.

“Ksenia shouldn't be where she is now,” says van Heerden. “She has done nothing wrong, nothing.”

Karelina’s verdict comes two weeks after the rRelease of three Americans and a permanent resident of the United States from Russian captivity in the largest prisoner exchange since the Cold War.

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