
Viral graphic artist reveals inspiration for updated Bears logo – NBC Chicago

Emily Morgan has gone viral on nearly every social media platform with her stunning redesigns of sports logos, amassing nearly half a million followers across TikTok, Instagram, and X. Her designs have been seen by millions and have been highly praised but often criticized in her attempts to elevate some of the world's most iconic logos.

A native of Mundelein, Morgan recently tried her hand at the logo of her hometown team, incorporating the famous Chicago Bears mascot head and the classic “C” with wishbone as a nostalgic element.

“I'm from Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, and I've been dying to do the Bears for almost a year,” she told NBC Sports Chicago's Kenneth Davis on the “Under Center Podcast.” “But I didn't want to force it. Since they're my team, I didn't want to rush the design, so it's probably been in the works for a while.”

Morgan incorporated several iconic references to legendary Bears head coach Mike Ditka, such as his aviator sunglasses and his famous sweater vest.

“I really wanted to include this here because the 1985 Bears are really close to my heart,” she said.

The mascot's ears included another Easter egg, with the historic wishbone “C” hidden on either side of the bear's head.

The new design doesn't deviate too far from the original. Morgan was careful to incorporate certain elements, such as the asymmetry of the bear's head, into her new design.

Morgan made similar design choices when she made waves in July with her reinterpretation of the Chicago Bulls logo, which featured Michael Jordan's iconic shoulder shrug hidden inside the bull's head.

“I think a lot of my followers like to see what I can pull from a franchise that's important to them and how I can incorporate that into a logo,” she said. “Not every logo needs that, but it makes it a lot more fun and challenging as a designer. Because it's one thing to just design a bear's face and make it clean, but then to at least try to build a connection with the fans makes it a lot more entertaining not only for me but for the viewers as well.

“I try to include at least two things to build a real connection with the fans because it's really fun and I love learning about these franchises.”

As for the historic “C” wishbone, Morgan added a claw-like element to the pointed end.

Feedback on the two updated Bears logos was relatively mixed. Many fans praised Morgan for incorporating such an important piece of Bears history into the project, while others claimed the original logos were too good to change. The latter is probably true, but that certainly doesn't take away from her extremely impressive achievement.

“There will always be people who don't like change, and as a logo designer, I completely understand that,” Morgan said. “I'm fully aware of how important a logo is to a team, so there's definitely some resistance.”

“But overall, I think people just like the vision and the direction it's going. And I've definitely gotten a lot of comments from Bears fans saying they're OK with it. It really makes the whole thing worthwhile when people say, 'I'm a Bears fan' or 'I'm a Bulls fan and I'm OK with it.'”

But the criticism is just as valuable. Having so many opinions gives Morgan a clear idea of ​​what her followers and potential customers might want.

“I welcome any feedback, good or bad,” she said. “It just helps to have conversations about each team and each logo.”

Morgan has dabbled in many historic logos, but there are a few she won't touch. Among them is the Chicago Blackhawks, which remains one of the most celebrated original logos in all of sports.

The Yankees could also be taboo.

“I don't know if I'll ever do the Yankees,” Morgan said. “They're just very iconic to the sport. And baseball is difficult. It's mostly letters. I've done a few baseball logos, but it's difficult to really rework a monogram logo.”

While she clearly has a bright future in the business, Morgan has yet to be contacted by any major professional sports team looking to rebrand. She is currently working on the logo of an MLB-affiliated minor league team and has a few projects with the PGA in the pipeline. Professional athletes, including NFL star Jalen Ramsey, have also approached her for help with their personal brands.

For her next viral video, Morgan is currently brainstorming different teams. Next up could be the Detroit Pistons, Pittsburgh Penguins and the Utah Hockey Club.

Check out Morgan's previous designs and follow her new designs here: