
True crime story about the murder of Mike Williams from Tallahassee retold in new book

Most of us find Tallahassee to be quite quiet. A quiet place surrounded by trees and numerous lakes and full of honest citizens who mean us no harm and would do us no harm.

However, we don't always know what lies within the green forests or what might be buried near the shimmering lake.

And that brings us once again to the 20-year saga of perhaps one of Tallahassee's most harrowing crime stories – a story that the Tallahassee Democrat's then-news director, Jennifer Portman, kept alive in people's minds for decades.

It's a story that continues to captivate crime fans in podcasts, television series, and now in another literary retelling of “true crime,” the just-released “Guilty Creatures: Sex, God, and Murder in Tallahassee, Florida” ($28.99, Signal Publishing 2024) which came out on July 23rd.