
Man sentenced to prison for attempting to stab police officer upon arrival at prison

According to the press release, Senter had previously pleaded guilty to charges including escape, robbery and aggravated assault on a police officer.

The charges date back to Jan. 31, according to prosecutors, when Senter was booked into the Fairborn Police Department jail after being arrested for car theft. While being fingerprinted, he managed to grab a gun and stab a police officer while fleeing.

The officer was not injured and Senter was subdued without sustaining any injuries, the prosecutor's office said. Senter was eventually taken to the Greene County Jail, where he made another unsuccessful escape attempt hours later.

Greene County District Attorney David Hayes said the case is an example of the dangers that come with being a police officer.

“Tyler Senter is alleged to have stolen a car, which is a serious property crime, but not a violent crime per se,” Hayes said. “In order to avoid responsibility for a property crime, Senter endangered the life of a police officer.”