
Jennifer Pan's father survived the murder plot she orchestrated. Here is his current condition.

  • The Netflix series “What Jennifer Did” focuses on the 2010 murder of Bich Ha Pan and the attempted murder of Hann Pan.

  • A Canadian court found her daughter Jennifer guilty of staging the incident.

  • Hann Pan requested a communication ban for his daughter and lives with his injuries.

The new Netflix documentary “What Jennifer Did” tells the story of Canadian Jennifer Pan, who was found guilty of conspiring to murder her parents.

In November 2010, a group of men broke into the Pan family home in Markham, Ontario. They killed Pan's mother, Bich Ha Pan, and shot her father, Huei Hann Pan, in the head and shoulder. Pan stated in police interviews after the incident that she was handcuffed to the banister.

However, police arrested Pan after her father, who survived the shooting, recounted his experiences of the incident. After a lengthy trial in 2014, Pan and three other co-defendants (including her ex-boyfriend Daniel Wong) were found guilty of premeditated murder and attempted murder and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for the next 25 years. However, an appeals court ordered a retrial on the premeditated murder charge and the case is currently before the Supreme Court of Canada.

After the trial, Hann Pan was granted a temporary restraining order. This is where he is currently located.

Hann Pan survived the break-in, for which his daughter was found guilty by the court

Reporter Karen K. Ho, who grew up with Pan and Wong, reported for Toronto Life that Hann Pan immigrated to Canada as a refugee from Vietnam in 1979 and married his wife, Bich Ha Pan, in Toronto. They had two children: Jennifer in 1986 and a son named Felix in 1989.

Toronto Life's account of Pan's childhood recounts the pressure Hann and Bich put on her to excel in school and extracurricular activities such as piano and figure skating. Hann, the publication said, prevented her from attending school dances and parties and from dating anyone. As Pan grew older, her academic performance became average and she began lying to her parents about her grades.

Eventually, she lied to her parents that she was attending university and instead secretly worked multiple jobs while pretending to be in school. At one point, she lived with Wong's family part-time, telling her parents she was staying with a friend in town during the school week. When she lied about doing volunteer work, they followed her and learned she wasn't actually employed there. The lies fell apart and Pan's parents told her she couldn't see Wong and restricted her travel and communication, according to Toronto Life.

In 2010, Pan began planning the murder of her parents, hiring Lenford Crawford, an acquaintance of Wong's. Hann survived the incident in November 2010 and was put into an induced coma for three days. Pan was interviewed by police twice, which is detailed in “What Jennifer Did.” She claimed that she was also a victim of the break-in.

But when Hann woke up, his testimony contradicted some of what his daughter had told police. In particular, he remembered her chatting pleasantly with one of the men who had entered the Pans' home and walking around untied during the break-in. Police took Pan for a third interview, also seen in the documentary, and eventually arrested her. They arrested Wong, Crawford and two other men involved in the break-in in early 2011.

Hann Pan testified during the trial against his daughter and did not demand any communication from her

Pan's trial began in 2014 and lasted nearly 10 months, according to Toronto Life. According to CBC, she and her co-accused pleaded not guilty. Hann Pan testified during the trial about what he remembered from the night of his wife's murder and other circumstances from Pan's life.

“I was very upset because we had tried our best to get her to go to school and she hadn't,” he said in court, according to CBC. “I told her to end her relationship with Danny Wong or wait until I was dead.”

Pan was convicted in January 2015 along with three of her co-defendants, including Wong and Crawford. They were found guilty of premeditated murder and received life sentences without the chance of parole for the next 25 years. They were found guilty of attempted murder and received life sentences. The fifth man, Eric Carty, was tried separately after his lawyer fell ill and died in prison in 2018.

Hann was not present in the courtroom when his daughter was sentenced, but submitted a written statement.

“When I lost my wife, I also lost my daughter,” he said in the statement, according to CBC. “I hope my daughter Jennifer reflects on what happened to her family and can one day become a good, honest person.”

According to Toronto Life, the court issued two communication restraining orders: one between the accused and another between Pan and her father and brother, who had requested it. Pan's lawyer said in court at the time that Pan remained willing to speak with her family.

According to Toronto Life's 2015 report, Hann tried to sell his home but was unable to find a buyer. He was living with relatives nearby at the time and was unable to work after the incident. He also suffered from chronic pain, anxiety and insomnia. And in the years since the high-profile incident, he has stayed out of the public eye.

In May 2023, the Ontario Court of Appeal ordered a retrial on the first-degree murder charge after finding that the judge had not suggested alternative verdicts to the jury, such as second-degree murder or manslaughter, according to CBC. The case now goes to the Supreme Court of Canada, according to the Markham Economist & Sun, which will decide whether to hear it. Otherwise, Pan and the other defendants can immediately apply for parole.

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