
Watch: Trump criticizes Kamala Harris in a video as “weak,” “failure,” “dangerously liberal”

Former President Donald Trump has a video on X (formerly Twitter) with the title “Kamala Harris: weak. failed. Dangerous liberal.” The video shows a series of clips that controversial Statements and views of Kamala Harris.
The video begins with a tagline that offers a glimpse into what Harris will do as president. In the first clip, Harris says, “As president of the United States, I am ready to abolish the filibuster,” followed by another section in which she says, “There is no question that I will ban fracking.”
Harris also expresses her support for “gun confiscation” in the video. When asked by a reporter about the impact on private health insurance, Harris responds, “Let's get rid of all of this,” which Trump calls “socialist health care” in his video.

Later in the video, another reporter asks Harris if she supports changing the dietary guidelines. Harris says she does, and the video identifies this as “Harris will reduce her meat consumption.”
Later in the video, clips of Harris are shown talking about defunding police and drawing comparisons between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
At a confirmation hearing in November 2018, then-Senator Harris questioned Ronald Vitiello, Trump's nominee to lead ICE, about perceived parallels between ICE and the KKK. Harris highlighted a 2015 tweet by Vitiello comparing the Democratic Party to a “neo-klanist” organization. Vitiello later apologized for his remarks.
The video also shows Harris' support for the “defund the police” movement during a June 2020 radio interview. Harris said the movement was “right” to criticize the allocation of funds to police departments in favor of community services such as education, housing and health care. She emphasized the need to reevaluate budgets to reflect appropriate priorities, and explained that increased police presence does not necessarily equate to increased public safety.
Donald Trump shared another video of Kamala in his X-post and said, “If you think things are expensive already, they will get 100 times WORSE if Kamala becomes President for four years. Under her plan, Kamala will impose Soviet-style price controls. She will abolish private healthcare and make California's ridiculous tax policy the law of the land, meaning EVERY American will be taxed up to 80% of their income! If you want more money and less taxes, vote for Trump!!!”