
USFS seeks public comments on integrated target shooting management | Local News

Ryan Nehl, forest and grassland supervisor for the Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands, released a preliminary environmental impact assessment for the integrated management of target shooting on the Pike National Forest project for public comment on August 5.

This Integrated Target Shooting Management project will address the public's need and desire for target shooting opportunities on National Forest System lands, identify areas unsuitable for distributed target shooting and sites to be developed into shooting ranges, and create an adaptive management framework to manage target shooting, according to a news release.

Dispersed target shooting is a legal use of NFS lands that has become increasingly popular over the past decade. Visitors set up targets and practice shooting at undesignated, undeveloped sites. The Environmental Impact Assessment identifies three alternatives for the adaptive management framework and their likely environmental impacts.

“We appreciate the public's comments throughout this process and now welcome your comments on the recently completed environmental impact assessment,” Nehl said in the release. “This assessment describes three options for managing target shooting in the Pike National Forest and the associated impacts of each option. Ultimately, our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors to the forest.”

PSICC is also part of the Southern Shooting Partnership, a group of 11 federal and state agencies, county governments and utilities working on issues related to recreational shooting on public lands. This project builds on the Partnership's recent activities and is supported by a grant from Colorado Parks and Wildlife for conceptual designs of each range.

A legal notice published in Pueblo Chieftain began the 30-day public comment period for the Integrated Management of Target Shooting Project Environmental Assessment. Documents, related maps and instructions for submitting comments are available on the project website. Comments are requested by September 4 to be fully considered in the analysis.

For information about this project, contact Jennifer DeWoody, NEPA planner for the Pike National Forest, at 970-568-2692 or [email protected].