
Watch Deborah Ann Woll from Daredevil get Jon Bernthal excited about D&D in just 5 minutes

When it comes to the various famous people who have a real, remarkable love Dungeons & Dragons—Your Vin Diesels, your Henry Cavills, your River Cuomos, etc.—it is common knowledge in nerd circles that Daredevil And True Blood Star Deborah Ann Woll is one of the best out there play the game. Woll has enough professional Dungeons & Dragons-ing that she has built a real side business out of it, writing her own professional campaigns, hosting and creating real-play shows, and even consulting on official sourcebooks. If you've ever watched videos of her playing or DMing, you'll realize pretty quickly that this not a thing where it's like, “Oh, she knows Daredevil, so let's do her a favor by letting her roll.” Woll has serious, undeniable skills at the table and an enthusiasm for pen-and-paper role-playing games that is instantly infectious.

If you need proof of this, watch the video clip above from Woll’s recent performance on her old Punisher Buddy Jon Bernthal Real Podcast in which she explains the core concepts of D&D for the self-proclaimed former athlete in five quick minutes that flow so smoothly that it's easy to see how he's captivated by the idea. It's not just that the video is cool from a fan's perspective: It's also a great, succinct introduction to the whole world and appeal of tabletop roleplaying, including the part where Woll – without character sheets, dice, or anything other than imagination – just sends Bernthal into a fantasy scenario and then gets him to make interesting decisions. It's really, honestly just one of the best things we've seen in a minute, and that's before Woll finally mentions that she copes with her fear of Hollywood parties by hiding in the kitchen and doing the dishes, which is one of the most relatable lines we've personally ever heard come out of the mouth of a very famous person.

Woll and Bernthal will both be in the coming Daredevil: Reborn Disney+ series scheduled to premiere in March 2025.