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Life is a journey. For many Christian believers – including members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – this journey includes spiritual rebirth at some point.

“The journey of faith is a journey that has a specific goal. And that goal leads the zealous seeker to a spiritual baptism of God, an actual redemption in Christ that leads to an absolutely perfect knowledge of Him,” says the author. Jesus taught in John's Gospel that this spiritual baptism, or “birth of the Spirit,” is essential to “entering the Kingdom of God.” (John 3:5)

LDS author Steven Anthony Bishop's new book, Putting on Christ, explores the doctrine of Christ and describes the steps to spiritual baptism, or “baptism by fire,” by telling the poignant stories of nine different people who came to know God through this “similar” experience. The book, which one reviewer called “soul-expanding and heart-wrenching,” is intended to guide readers on their journey to know God with “perfect brightness” and clarity.

Putting on Christ is designed to inspire those who are zealous seekers of truth. And for a limited time, readers can get a free e-book version.

The author testifies that “the same experience that the original apostles had on the day of Pentecost, as well as the revelations we received in Kirtland's day, we can and must have – that God is no respecter of persons. All we have to do is to seek Him with diamond desire, will, and determination until we find Him.”

If you are a fan of uplifting religious and spiritual works as well as awe-inspiring personal stories of real redemption, you should add Putting on Christ to your bedside reading.

Heaven is not far away

The world has long been fascinated by stories of people who have had life-changing near-death experiences. In the last decade alone, three New York Times best-selling memoirs have been published (one of which was made into a movie), all based on near-death experiences that provided the recipients with evidence of God and heaven.

For a country that many claim is no longer interested in religion, the success of these stories speaks a different language.

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Photo: Vescovo Buonarroti Art, LLC

An article by Gideon Lichfield in The Atlantic states: “Many near-death experiencers report that their experience did not feel like a dream or a hallucination but was, as they often describe it, 'more real than real life.' They are profoundly changed afterward and often have trouble reintegrating into everyday life.”

But what if you didn't have to have a near-death experience to have such a profound experience that you know without a doubt that God is real? The stories in Putting on Christ are about people who came to know Jesus Christ with the same certainty as someone who has seen heaven.

Bishop says, “In either case, one can never be the same again. Everyone will have experienced 'a tremendous change' or conversion of heart to God.” Bishop emphasizes that spiritual rebirth is not the same as a near-death experience, but that the same 'knowledge of God' gained during a near-death experience is the same or similar to that of many who have come to know God through spiritual rebirth.”

A perfect knowledge

One of the nine stories described in Putting on Christ is part of Bishop's own experience, which is mentioned in the introduction.

“The experienced unity was not only with the Deity as we know it and which is real,” he writes, “but also seemingly with a unity with all of nature and the physical and spiritual world around me.” It was this experience that ultimately led Bishop to write this book and tell his story.

The author hopes that readers will not only read the book but use it—along with relevant teaching from Christ—as a study guide to assist the reader in his or her personal journey to knowing the Lord. Diligent truth seekers can attain this perfect knowledge of Him through a spiritual manifestation brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit, Bishop says.

One of the stories told in Putting on Christ is that of the President of the Church of Jesus Christ, Lorenzo Snow. Another tells the story of a man who was devastated in prison as a teenager and cried out to God – and found salvation. Another tells of a man who lost his son to suicide and heard an unmistakable, audible voice, and in the depths of his agony he turned to God and immersed himself spiritually in Him.

“This work … is not just a book to read, but one to experience and live. Writing is my life's work,” says Bishop in the introduction.

How to get your free copy

If you are on your journey to knowing Christ, or if you are curious and want to learn more of the stories above, you can order your own free copy of the e-book.

Putting on Christ is a #1 national bestseller in nine categories on Amazon and a top-selling Latter-day Saint book on Amazon. All proceeds from the book go toward remarketing the book and helping to feed and house the homeless.

In the words of the author, “The way is real and He is coming. Don’t waste any time.” Get your copy of Putting on Christ today!