
The Iron Facility – Destructoid

As you play through the storyline for The iron system In Dredgeyou will eventually reach the point where – contrary to what the rig crew thinks – drilling begins and the same dark mud you have seen everywhere else rises in Twisted Strand.

As you know by now, the oily substance that you are beginning to feel is not quite oil brings with it all kinds of fish that you have never seen before. Naturally, the scientist on the oil rig is incredibly interested in these creatures and wants you to immediately set out to collect a specimen of each. If you are starting a new game in Dredge for The iron system If you're like me and have DLC or aren't quite through the base game's story, you'll need to prepare before you can do this.

How do I get all the samples from Twisted Strand for the scientist in Dredge: The iron drilling rig

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Before you can go out and collect all the samples you need for the Twisted Strand scientist, Dredge: The iron drilling rigyou need the right equipment. Go to the oil rig and talk to the engineer in the factory to find the Infused Coiling Rod.

To purchase this new rod, you will need to provide the engineer with an Ironhaven Crate, a Dark Canister, and an Anti-Tangle Line. You can purchase the basic Mangrove Rod needed here at any shipyard once you have completed the Stellar Basin main quest to the point where you find the experimental technology.

Opabinia in the iron drilling rig
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With the Infused Coiling Rod in hand, you'll need to make your way to the Twisted Strand. The first thing I recommend doing is dumping a crab basket somewhere in one of the dark mud patches in the biome. It'll take a while to catch the crab you need, but if you drop the basket first, it'll do all the hard work while you worry about finding the fish.

From there, all you need to do is sail around every dark spot on the water and fish in the dark, choppy water to catch the three fish the scientist needs. One of these requires a fishing rod with enhanced shallow fishing skills, so use the fishing rod you got for the scientist's previous requests in The Marrows or Gale Cliffs to help you with that. Otherwise, your Infused Coiling Rod will help you with the fish in the mangrove waters. I've listed all the fish you need to catch below.

  • Opabinien
  • Boreaspis
  • Xinphactinus
  • Nipponites
the scientist twisted strand samples dredges the iron plant
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When you return to the scientist with your samples from Twisted Strand, Dredge: The iron drilling rigyou'll find that he's become even more distracted. The samples you provide are weird, but he gets weirder each time you complete a task for him. I won't give away what follows, but things escalate significantly once you complete that task.

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