
“Abortion is murder”: Mass killings in America are karma for “infant murder,” says North Carolina’s Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson (R) with his strong anti-abortion rhetoric in the election campaign for the governorship has reproductive rights to those who defended slavery, Mass murders in America, karma for the “murder of infants” and the “fruits that one haunts.”
He has loudly expressed his belief that “abortion murder”, a stance he reiterated despite advice to tone down his language as a candidate.
A review of Robinson’s public comments and social media posts by Rolling Stone shows that he abortion as murder dozens of times. His extreme views on this issue have become a focus of his gubernatorial campaign campaignwhich earned him sharp criticism from his Democratic opponent, who has released ads featuring Robinson's anti-abortion soundbites.
In one excerpt, Robinson said, “Let's say I were governor and I had a willing legislature. We could pass a law that would not allow abortion for any reason in North Carolina.” In another excerpt, he declared, “For me, there is no compromise on abortion. I don't care why or how that child got into that womb.” Robinson further argued, “Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It's about killing a child because you weren't responsible enough to keep your skirt down.”

Robinson, currently the Republican candidate for governor in North Carolina, a key swing state, is taking a new approach by telling a personal story in his campaign. In a recent commercial aired to camera, he and his wife recount their experiences with abortion, which he uses to support his opposition to the practice.
“Thirty years ago, my wife and I made a very difficult decision. We had an abortion. It was like a massive pain between us that we never talked about,” Robinson says in the ad. His wife adds, “It's something that stays with you forever.” Robinson continues, “That's why I stand by our current law, and it has common sense exceptions for the life of the mother, incest and rape… When I'm governor, mothers in need will be supported.”

In North Carolina, abortions after 12 weeks of pregnancy are currently banned, with few exceptions for cases of rape, incest, “life-threatening” fetal abnormalities and medical emergencies. Despite his previous hardline stance, Robinson now stresses the importance of supporting women and families. He explains that he has not changed his views on abortion, but his approach has.
“If I, as an individual, stand on the stage and point to a young woman and say, 'You can't have an abortion,' that's not the right approach,” Robinson said in a radio interview Thursday. “The right approach is to get off the stage, hug the young woman and tell her the reasons why I believe she should choose life, and then ultimately let her choose based on the laws that we have. That's the reason we put out this ad and the reason I was willing to do it. Because we believe this is a matter of the heart. And if we want to 'win this issue,' if we want to win people over to this issue, we have to show them that we care. Because we have to show them how deeply this affects people.”
Robinson's communications director Mike Lonergan defended the candidate's stance, saying: “He is for life because of the painful and difficult experience he and his wife went through and because of his faith.” Lonergan also criticized Democrats, accusing them of supporting “taxpayer-funded late-term abortions on demand.”
Robinson has previously acknowledged his wife's abortion, saying in a 2022 video that his family was “pro-life” because of the experience. “We know what it's like to be in that situation, and we know the pain that abortion causes. I want anyone who has had that experience and carries that burden to know that they are not alone,” he said. “We also have a Savior who forgives us our sins and gives us grace. No one is perfect, but no one is too far gone to be saved.”

Despite his recent attempts to soften his stance, Robinson continues to use strong words when describing abortion. In a speech last year, he called abortion “an insult to the Almighty” and “a scourge of humanity.” He also argued that society “murders people in the womb, with its fist,” while being more concerned with protecting animals like manatees and kangaroo rats.
Robinson's uncompromising stance on abortion is likely to remain a central issue in the upcoming gubernatorial election. because both his supporters and opponents closely monitor his public statements and political positions.