
Out Youth opens new center in South Austin after water leak

The Out Youth Central drop-in center on 49th 1/2 Street has been providing services to LGBTQ+ youth since 1998.

AUSTIN, Texas – Out Youth is opening new doors to the LGBTQ+ youth community after its central location suffered significant damage from a water leak.

The new drop-in center will be located in South Austin and will include tools for creating art, reading materials and electronics.

According to Jaryn Holbrook Janeway, director of programs and operations, Out Youth is a safe haven for young people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

“We want to be a place where they feel safe, loved and accepted,” said Holbrook Janeway.

The leak occurred on July 24, leaving the center, nicknamed “The Little Blue Bungalow,” uninhabitable. The home was left with damaged floors, ceilings, books, electronics and more. Although the home is insured, there is not enough money to cover the cost of rebuilding, prompting the nonprofit to set up a “reconstruction fund” that anyone can donate to.

Holbrook Janeway said they were able to salvage some items from the central storage facility, but hoped to replenish the lost items to upgrade the new location and hopefully restore their blue bungalow.

“A lot of things were lost. But what we're doing here is the same thing we've always done,” said Holbrook Janeway. “The house is special. It always will be. But we hope to make this place here in South Austin just as special.”

The home has been serving the community since 1998. According to Holbrook Janeway, it is a place for anyone who feels like they don't belong.

“We know how important it is to provide a place where everyone can experience that feeling of home, and I mean everyone,” said Holbrook Janeway.

Out Youth in South Austin opens August 18th.