
Rumor has it that Christopher Nolan's next film has a release window and WB is in the race to win him back after public betrayal

Christopher Nolan is a legend in every sense of the word. He has created more masterpieces in a decade than many others have in their entire career, proving to the world just how talented and skilled he is as a filmmaker. Not only has he been an inspiration to many, but he has also gained a huge following of loyal fans who watch any story he chooses to tell.

Robert Pattinson in “Tenet I” by Christopher Nolan. Source: Warner Bros.

Considering how much profit he brings in, it's safe to say that releasing one of his films is a great opportunity for a studio. Since the early years of his career, Nolan has been closely associated with Warner Bros. and with their help he has released some of his biggest projects to date and brought them billions in profits. However, this changed during the release of Oppenheimer, which was made by Universal and not WB.

As its next project takes shape, WB still seems to be trying to reclaim what it lost, and fans are taking notice.

Christopher Nolan vs. Warner Bros.

From the founding to The Dark Knight Trilogy, some of Christopher Nolan's most successful films were managed by Warner Bros. The pair worked brilliantly together and both had an understanding that proved extremely fruitful when the films were released. That was until Nolan released his 2020 film, Principle.

A still from “Tenet I” by Christopher Nolan. Source: Warner Bros.
A still from “Tenet I” by Christopher Nolan. Source: Warner Bros.

Although there was a pandemic at the time the film was set to be released, Nolan wanted to release the film in theaters. However, shortly after the film's release, WarnerMedia, the studio's parent company, released the film on HBO so viewers could watch it from the comfort of their own home.

Since Nolan is known for caring deeply about the audience of his films, he was not happy with the decision that was made and the fact that it caught him completely off guard. So much so that he finally said in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

Some of our industry's biggest filmmakers and most important movie stars went to bed the night before thinking they were working for the biggest movie studio and woke up to find they were working for the worst streaming service.

A still from “Tenet I” by Christopher Nolan. Source: Warner Bros.
A still from “Tenet I” by Christopher Nolan. Source: Warner Bros.

When talking about how betrayed he felt, he mentioned that this simple move ultimately destroyed the trust he had in WB and the next film he released, Oppenheimer, was made with Universal Studios instead.

Will Christopher Nolan's latest film be released by Universal and Warner Bros.?

It has been quite a while since the feud between Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. began. Since then, it seems to have calmed down considerably, as recent reports show. Recently, it was suggested by Physical media on X that both Universal Studios and Warner Bros. will be involved in Nolan's next film, which is scheduled to be released in July 2026.

Tenet (2020) Directed by Christopher Nolan
A still from “Tenet I” by Christopher Nolan. Source: Warner Bros.

It's safe to say that this news came as quite a shock to fans who know what went on behind the scenes between Nolan and WB. So much so that they started commenting on the post and joking about how much the studio ultimately lost because of their one, small mistake. One fan joked that the studio was acting like a desperate ex-boyfriend trying to get back what he lost.

They pointed out that a lot had changed between the studio and the director and it made sense for them to part ways. However, fans continued to joke that they were still fixated on their losses and couldn't look forward.

John David Washington in a still from Tenet (2020)
John David Washington in a still from Tenet (2020) I Source: Warner Bros.

Some are still angry about what WB did to the director and are demanding that he not come back to them again. To say that fans are passionate about the whole situation would be an understatement.

principle is available to stream on Prime Video.