
Attacker who beat up innocent victim with friends in Walsall town centre escapes prison sentence

Ethan Tarrier spat at, punched and kicked his victim in several attacks on the night of April 4, 2022. The attacks began at The Registry pub and ended at Walsall bus station.

The brutal attack, which also involved Tarrier's friends, was recorded on CCTV and shown to Wolverhampton Crown Court, where the 20-year-old was sentenced.

Tarrier, drunk and high on cocaine, could be seen standing over his victim and repeatedly punching him. The victim suffered head injuries and bruising and had to undergo several brain scans following the beating.

In a court impact statement, the victim said: “I did not deserve to be attacked in this way. I have lost a lot of self-confidence. Now when I see a group of young people outside, I feel like I am being attacked. I have had to have my brain scanned several times.”

Defence lawyer Saleema Mahmood said: “This attack took place two years ago when the accused was 18 years old. He has no previous convictions. He went to the police station voluntarily and admitted what he had done. He told me that he had been dealing with a bad experience with his biological mother in the days before the attack, which did not go well.

“He is now working and contributing to society. This happened when he had just turned 18. He has shown remorse. This was not his character at all.”

Tarrier, of Macon Grove, Wolverhampton, pleaded guilty to assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

Judge Joanne Barker told Tarrier: “The victim was being friendly to you and as he was leaving the pub he noticed you and two girls following him. He repeatedly told you to leave him alone. You repeatedly punched him on the head. He ran away and again you chased him and punched him. Again he escaped, only for you to follow him to the bus stop and again you punched him.

“You spat on him repeatedly and when you finished your attack you left him with numerous injuries. The footage of this attack is shocking. You stalked him. Again and again you attacked him, he cowered in front of you and did not even resist. You should be deeply ashamed of yourself.”

She added: “You were drunk and addicted to cocaine, but you came to the police station and admitted what you did. This actually happened two years ago. I believe there is a possibility of rehabilitation.”

Tarrier was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 18 months, and was ordered to pay his victim £400 and attend a rehabilitation course for 20 days.