
Flower seller's son goes on hunger strike for iPhone

Hyderabad: A video of a mother being forced to buy her son an iPhone after he went three days without eating and demanding the expensive device went viral on social media, sparking outrage among users.

The son of a flower seller demanded an iPhone from his mother. Since his mother refused to buy him the expensive device, the man stopped eating. After not eating for a few days, his mother finally gave in to his demands and bought him the phone.

A video of this incident is making the rounds on X. Numerous social media users are criticizing the man for not listening to his mother and not understanding her.

In the video, a man is seen buying an iPhone at a cell phone store. He asks his mother if she gave him the money and she replies that she gave him all the money.

“I sell flowers in front of a temple. My son hasn't eaten for three days because he keeps asking for an iPhone,” she said.

After that, she also challenged her son and said that he must earn and return to her the same amount that he spent on buying the phone.

The video was shared on X on August 18. Since its release, the video has received 1.4 million views and 1.6k likes, with many users sharing their reactions in the comments section.

One X user commented: “What are you going to do with the iPhone? If you spent the money on a good cause, your life and your mother's life would be better.”

Another person wrote: “If this is true then he is such an asshole, these chapris should not even get push-button phones. She wasted her poor mother's hard earned money.”

“This is so sad. His mother looks distraught,” wrote a third person.

Another X-user wrote: “This shop owner also does very stupid advertising.”