
Colby! – Gone To Bed (self-released)

Colby! – Gone To Bed (self-released)

19 August 2024

For too long, pop music has been seen as a shadow of its former self, a genre that seems to be little more than a money-making machine for distant record label executives, a place of the lowest common denominator, where gimmicks and cheap tricks, dance numbers and guest rappers define a form that has become such a fleeting thing given the fickle winds of fashion and trend, a scene where those in power take their money and run.

But a glimmer of hope can be found in artists like Hello! More than just a glimmer, actually. By combining the infectiousness and accessibility of pop with more robust elements from the alternative and underground scene, such as the drive of rock, the allure of indie and a sprawling club groove, she creates the sound that is helping to make pop music taken seriously again. Is this the beginning of a storm on the currently battered and damaged barricades of pop? We can only hope.

Pop may not even be the right term – alt-pop, pop-rock, indie-pop – but whatever you call it, there's no denying that Gone to Bed is not a welcome alternative to the throwaway pop that has clogged the charts since time immemorial.

And it's not just sonically clever, it's lyrically clever too. A tale of lack of communication, lack of commitment and lack of understanding in a relationship. This may be a song that comes from a personal place, but it's a totally relatable story.

It looks like intelligent and creative pop music is back in fashion. Hurray!
