
Mayor of Costa Blanca allegedly beat elderly resident after long dispute and calls for resignation

A war of words has broken out over an alleged attack by Dolores Mayor Joaquin Hernandez on a 71-year-old citizen, as his political opponents demanded his resignation.

Both parties accused each other of starting the physical altercation on August 9 in the city of Vega Baja.

PSOE mayor Hernandez said at a press conference last week that he had “categorically” not attacked Jose Maria Argiles.



The two men have known each other for years through a family friendship.

“We insulted each other, but I never hit him and I never will,” said Hernandez, 53.

Both men have filed a complaint with the Guardia Civil and it is very likely that a judge will clarify the true facts.

A police report said Argiles suffered “multiple cuts with bleeding arms,” ​​but added he was bleeding easily due to a skin condition.

Jose Maria Argiles said the mayor “grabbed him by the armpits and threw him to the ground.”

“He was very aggressive and people had to separate us,” he added.

Mayor Hernandez said he had been “threatened and insulted by Argiles for ten years and this incident is being exploited to harm him politically.”

Jose Manuel Guerro of the opposition PP described the mayor’s behavior as “inappropriate” and called for his resignation from all public offices and disciplinary action.