
New free courses released by King Schools — General Aviation News

King Schools has released two new free courses: “Drone Regulations Part 107” and “Ground Reference Maneuvers for Private Pilots,” as well as a new YouTube playlist called “How to Become a Pilot.”

These new courses join 18 other free courses on and nearly 200 videos on YouTube.

The Drone Regulations Part 107 includes eight videos presented by John and Martha King.

“It's critical that drone pilots, just like all pilots, know what is legal and what is not and how to fly safely,” said Martha King. “A skilled pilot is a safe pilot. And a skilled pilot, no matter what aircraft, is constantly learning.”

For more course information and to register for free, visit

The second new free course, Private Pilot Ground Reference Maneuvers, is derived from King's Private Pilot Maneuvers course and prepares student pilots for their flight lessons by showing them how to master turns around a point, rectangular patterns and S-turns across a road according to FAA checkride standards.

“Ground reference maneuvers can be a source of frustration for student pilots,” said Barry Knuttila, the course's video instructor. “We show tips and tricks to help you deal with wind to fly good patterns above the ground. This is a skill best learned on the ground first. Watching these videos will save you time and frustration in the air and impress your instructor with what you know.”

For more information, visit

King Schools also released a new YouTube playlist called “How to Become a Pilot?” The videos are designed to clear up confusion and provide a path to success for people who want to start flying, company officials said.

“The videos break down the sometimes complicated process into 12 short, easy-to-understand and digestible parts,” King Schools officials explained. “Part one explains what a medical exam is, why it's important and how to get one. Part two describes where to learn to fly, while part three is about what you need to do to find an instructor that fits your learning style.”

The narrator of the series is Samuel Golden, Digital Marketing Manager at King Schools, who also holds a commercial pilot's license.

The full playlist can be found on YouTube.