
Imran Khan is running for chancellor of Oxford University

LONDON – According to the BBC, Imran Khan, Pakistan's jailed former prime minister, is seeking a new role as chancellor of Oxford University. He has been in prison for over a year on politically motivated charges. Khan submitted his application shortly before the August 19 deadline, his adviser tweeted.

Oxford University has not commented on Khan's application or released any details about the candidates. The official list of candidates will be published in early October, with voting scheduled to take place online on October 28.

The role of chancellor at Oxford is largely ceremonial. He is elected by graduates who have received their degrees and are registered to vote, and members of the university community, including academic staff. Candidates cannot be current students, university staff or candidates for political office, according to the BBC.

Khan, a former cricket star and honorary fellow of Keble College, Oxford, where he studied philosophy, politics and economics in 1972, is seeking to succeed outgoing Chancellor of the Exchequer Christopher Patten. Patten, who has held the post since 2003, is the last governor of Hong Kong and a former leader of the Conservative Party.

Although a United Nations panel declared his detention arbitrary, Khan remains in prison and faces new charges.