
Fugitive defendant who held Miami Beach commissioner at gunpoint appears in bail court

MIAMI BEACH, Florida. – A fugitive accused of robbing a Miami Beach commissioner at gunpoint and who police said was recently arrested for burglarizing a South Florida gas station appeared in court Monday.

Christopher Pitre, an accused serial burglar involved in several criminal cases, appeared in court Monday wearing a suicide prevention gown. The 35-year-old, who was on the run after escaping from a halfway house and removing his ankle bracelet, is now back in custody.

Police Chief Joe Magazine reported finding Pitre — whose arrest warrant says he is originally from Texas but now lives on the streets of Miami — in his parked car on April 11 before being held at gunpoint. He was one of Pitre's many alleged victims. According to court records, prosecutors in Miami-Dade County have filed 15 cases against him.

The magazine, along with Local 10's Christina Vazquez, reported on the incident he had with Pitre last April.

“He turns around. He's about five feet in front of me, he's got a gun and he's pointing it at my chest. There's a red laser beam on my chest. I just put my hands up,” the magazine said.

“This person was just a bad person,” the magazine told Local 10 over the weekend. “He didn't belong in society and he had no intention of stopping. He wasn't going to rehabilitate himself.”

Miami Beach detectives reviewed surveillance footage and linked Pitre to several crimes across the city. Investigators say Pitre is responsible for car thefts, stealing items from the Maison Grande Condo Mini Mart, stealing e-bikes, and even stealing a woman's car.

Pitre, who apparently also cut his hair while on the run, was brought to court on Monday in handcuffs and wearing a protective vest to face numerous charges.

“As you know, he has several cases pending. He is dangerous by nature, he is a flight risk, he has turned off his monitor before and he is a danger to the community,” a prosecutor told the presiding judge during the bail hearing.

Miami Beach Police Chief Wayne A. Jones announced Saturday afternoon that Pitre was in custody. Miami Beach Police Officer Victor Palacios discovered Pitre when he happened to spot a shoplifting incident at a Walgreens store in Normandy Isle.

According to the police report, a Walgreens employee took a photo of Pitre with her cell phone as he ran up Verdun Court toward Normandy Drive. Palacios shouted, “Police! Stop!”

According to police, Pitre ignored him, broke into a building, ran up to the second floor, ran back down, across Normandy Drive and into a Mobil gas station at the corner of 71st Street and Biarritz Drive.

Sergeant Vincent Stella responded to the pursuit and held Pitre at gunpoint while other officers subdued and handcuffed him, authorities said. Pitre identified himself as Christopher McMillan, but officers found out who he was and returned $30.26 worth of stolen merchandise to Walgreens.

Jones praised the officer's “swift action.” Pitre's alleged crime spree in Miami Beach also includes breaking into a car on March 14, stealing a bicycle on March 17, stealing an e-bike on March 20 and stealing a car on April 8. A Miami Beach police officer arrested him on April 15.

The magazine said the incident showed that judges need to impose harsher sentences for serious criminals who repeatedly break the law.

“The fact that someone pulled a gun on someone when they were already a convicted felon and were released on house arrest – we see the consequences of that,” he said. “You are only as strong as your weakest link. If we have a weak link anywhere in the justice process, we need to address it.”

According to court records, six of the 15 cases have been closed. One grand larceny case was closed on May 6. Another grand larceny case was closed on May 7. Four burglary cases were closed on May 28.

According to Miami Beach police, Pitre damaged a GPS ankle bracelet and escaped from a drug treatment facility on Tuesday, police said.

Following his arrest on Saturday, Pitre faced new charges of shoplifting, resisting a police officer without violence and providing a false name or identification after arrest.

A judge on Monday ordered Pitre to be held in custody without bail and assigned him a public defender.

Local 10 News Assignment Desk Editor Mercedes Cevallos contributed to this report.

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