
Trayon White arrested for bribery, colleagues react

Council members from across the district have spoken out.

WASHINGTON — Ward 8 DC Councilmember Trayon White was arrested by the FBI on Sunday afternoon. Officials say White abused his power as a councilmember to ensure that certain companies honored their DC contracts, alleging bribery.

In return, White allegedly received hundreds of thousands of dollars to keep the contracts going. When news of White's arrest broke, it sent shockwaves through the community and among White's colleagues. DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson said he was unaware White was even under investigation and informed council members of the arrest.

But as the sun rose and Monday arrived, White's allegations were made public for everyone to know. Since then, council members across the district have spoken out.

DC Council President Phil Mendelson:

“The federal charges against Council Member Trayon White are deeply disturbing. Notwithstanding the principle that a person is innocent until proven guilty, the allegations, along with the government's affidavit, are a punch in the gut to the public's trust in the Council.

“Unfortunately, a legal process can be slower than the public's right to an accountable government. Accordingly, I will follow Council rules and establish an ad hoc committee to assess the situation, the evidence of wrongdoing, to the extent it is available, and the residency issues, and make a recommendation to the full Council as soon as possible. I plan to work out the details and announce the appointments this week.

“Because the federal allegations are directly related to the affairs of the Council's Recreation, Libraries and Youth Affairs Committee, I believe it is necessary to remove Councilman White from that committee until the federal allegations are resolved. Accordingly, when Council resumes on September 17, I will request a restructuring of that committee by removing Mr. White from the committee.

“There will inevitably be questions about how the Council can change the law to ensure more ethical government. Unfortunately, it is impossible to pass laws that actually prevent individuals from breaking the law. What does make a difference, however, is electing individuals who aspire to high ethical standards.

“The public expects us to be the best. Not just to do our best, but to be superior to everyone else. Regardless of whether that is achievable, the public has the right to expect from us the basic standards of trust, honesty and integrity.”

DC Council Member Kenyan McDuffie:

“I was deeply saddened to learn of the arrest and allegations against Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White. The allegations are shocking and, if true, a betrayal of the trust that the residents of the District have placed in us as elected members of the Council of the District of Columbia.

I believe that every defendant is innocent until proven guilty and has the right to defend himself vigorously in our legal system. We must let the legal system take its course and respect the principles of a fair trial.

I also believe that holding public office is a privilege. It is a sacred trust that elected officials must protect. Therefore, under Council rules, I support the establishment of an ad hoc committee to investigate the allegations in this matter.

The arrest and charges will undoubtedly impact the residents of Ward 8. As such, my office will redouble our efforts to assist the citizens of Ward 8 with district matters, particularly community violence prevention, during this difficult time.”

Charles Allen, DC Councilmember for District 6:

“Public service is a public matter. It requires elected officials to make decisions in the best interest of the district – not our own. The allegations against CM Trayon White are shocking, extremely serious, and a deep disappointment to the citizens who trusted him to represent them.

Although he is innocent until proven guilty in a criminal court, I agree with Chairman Mendelson that the Council must immediately proceed with its own investigation and review process by establishing an ad hoc committee to recommend next steps, including possible expulsion.

In the meantime, Council Member T. White cannot continue his committee chairmanship. With these actions, we are putting District 8 first and protecting the public trust and integrity of the Council.”

DC Council Member Robert White:

“The criminal allegations against Council Member Trayon White are disturbing and disheartening. This news is tragic for the constituents of Ward 8. As a Council Member at Large, I represent the residents of Ward 8 and will work with the rest of the Council and the Bowser administration to close any gaps going forward. Now more than ever, all public officials should pitch in to share the work that must be done every day for our friends and constituents in Ward 8. These allegations impact everything from public trust to public safety. While Council Member Trayon White is entitled to due process, it would be deeply disturbing if public safety agencies were exploited for personal financial gain. I support the Chair's decision to establish an ad hoc committee to evaluate the situation and review Council disciplinary actions.”

Zachary Parker, Councilmember for District 5 DC:

“For nearly two years, I served on the Council of the District of Columbia alongside Councilmember Trayon White, Sr. During that time, I witnessed Councilmember White’s passion for his constituents and his strong advocacy for improving public safety in Ward 8 and throughout the District. Against that backdrop, the recent arrest and allegations against him are both unexpected and deeply disturbing.

I firmly believe that Council Member White, like everyone else involved in our criminal justice system, is entitled to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Nevertheless, the seriousness of the allegations against him, several government officials in Washington, DC, and organizations across the city require decisive action.

To remedy this situation and restore the trust of our constituents, I support Chairman Mendelson's plan to remove Councilmember White from his position as Chairman and establish an ad hoc committee of Council to thoroughly investigate these allegations. This step is critical to maintaining the highest ethical standards within our institution.

As Council members, we act on the public trust, which is essential to effectively performing our duties. Understandably, the trust of Ward 8 residents and the District has been shaken by these events. As Council Member White prepares his defense, the Council must ensure that these allegations do not hinder our important work to reduce crime in the District, solve our affordable housing crisis, strengthen our local economy, and more.

Going forward, my priority will be to restore and maintain the trust of the District's residents. I am committed to taking all necessary actions to ensure that our institution acts quickly and maintains the highest standards of integrity and transparency.”

For the first time since his arrest, representatives from Trayon White’s office issued a statement Monday evening:

“The office of Council Member Trayon White, Sr. takes note of the recent criminal charges filed against Council Member White. This matter is in the hands of the appropriate legal authorities who will oversee the necessary proceedings.

We recognize the seriousness of this matter. We want to assure the residents and stakeholders of District 8 that our office remains fully operational and remains true to our commitment to the public. Our staff continues to work diligently to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens and ensure that important services and initiatives are not interrupted.

We appreciate the community’s continued support and understanding as we navigate through this situation.”

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