
DC District Court Dismisses Lawsuit Against FEC – The Presidential Prayer Team

The plaintiffs alleged violations of the FECA Act in the 2016 election.

The District Court for the District of Columbia has granted the Federal Election Commission's (FEC) motion to dismiss a lawsuit alleging election violations during the 2016 presidential election. The lawsuit was filed by a nonprofit group that alleged Donald Trump's campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election by paying Russia to influence social media and hack the Democratic National Convention's computer servers. The FEC reviewed the lawsuit in 2021 and decided to dismiss the case.

The plaintiffs sued the FEC for closing their 2022 complaint without investigation, claiming it violated the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA). However, the district court agreed with the FEC's contention that its decision to close the complaint had a reasonable basis and was within its decision-making authority.

“The investigation would encounter legal obstacles, extend an unfeasibly short time frame, expend limited and costly resources, and provide minimal benefit to the public due to the duplication of the investigation,” the FEC said, citing similar investigations into Donald Trump's 2016 campaign previously conducted by the Justice Department.

Pray with us as the Lord shows you…

  • Chairman Sean Cooksey is to take over the leadership of the Federal Election Commission under the leadership of the Lord.
  • Federal court judges must exercise caution when hearing cases involving election and campaign laws.

Sources: Federal Election Commission