
Family seeks justice after 2 years, elderly driver jailed for fatal Oklahoma City crash

Two years after the murder of their loved one and fiancé in Oklahoma City, a heartbroken family is searching for justice.

They were hit and killed by a pickup truck, and now the older driver is in prison.

Jennifer Corn's mother tells News 9 that the last two years have been an emotional rollercoaster of sadness, anger and frustration. “I can't believe it took them two years to do something about this,” said Ronda Rehl, Jennifer Corn's mother.

Jennifer Corn and her fiancé, Stephen Wager, were walking on a sidewalk near Northwest 10th Street and Portland Avenue. “She was going to go shopping to get some food,” Rehl said.

A short time later, investigators were at her door, said Corn's mother, Ronda Rehl. “A guy drove off the road, got on the sidewalk and ran her over,” Rehl said.

They delivered the devastating news. “He apologized and told me she and Stephen had been killed,” Rehl said.

She learned that Reggie Poorbaugh, then 78, was driving that pickup truck when he veered off the road and struck the couple. “They didn't know at the time whether he was having a medical seizure or not,” Rehl said.

Months passed. “During the first year, I called the prosecutor at least once a week,” said Rehl.

Months turned into years. “If it were their child, they would have been the first to do something,” said Rehl.

She later learned what investigators said had happened. “He had just picked up his truck from the garage and the brakes weren't connected,” Rehl said.

Records show Poorbaugh's truck was not “roadworthy.” “Jennifer had two daughters and four grandchildren, three of whom she never met,” Rehl said.

In 2005, Poorbaugh pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident after a personal injury, according to records. “People like that don't change, no matter how old he is, he should pay for that,” Rehl said.

Poorbaugh is currently in prison on two counts of vehicular manslaughter, a misdemeanor.

At the time of the accident, Poorbaugh's pickup truck was not registered, a violation for which he had already received a ticket twice before.