
Defendant in fatal car accident wins postponement of trial

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On August 19, the day Nakita Walker's trial was scheduled to begin, DC Superior Court Judge Robert Okun postponed it to November 18 at the request of Walker's defense attorney, Albert Amissah.

Walker, 44, is charged with three counts of first-degree murder for allegedly driving into a car carrying Mohamed Kamara, 43, Johnathan Alberto Cabrera Mendez, 23, and Olvin Josue Torres Velasquez, 22, on Rock Creek Parkway near the intersection of 26th and P streets, NW, on March 15, 2023. Walker is also charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and fleeing from an officer.

According to court documents, a Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) officer stopped Walker's vehicle the evening of the incident for allegedly speeding through a red light. The officer said Walker fled the traffic stop after being informed that she had broken the law, but he did not pursue her.

According to arrest records, witnesses reported to United States Park Police (USPP) officers that they saw a vehicle identified as Walker's cross the center line of Rock Creek Parkway and collide head-on with another vehicle.

Amissah told the court that the defense needed more time to collect possible evidence from Walker's vehicle and to find an expert witness who could testify on the prosecution's toxicology findings.

According to court documents, Walker's blood and urine samples from the night of the accident indicate that her alcohol level was about twice the legal limit.

The parties are scheduled to meet again on October 25.

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