
Opinion | Michigan to complete its 'ship' as part of new maritime manufacturing initiative

As educational and labor leaders in southeast Michigan, we are thrilled about this initiative because it means two big things for our state: more STEM education and job training programs and more good-paying jobs for the middle class.

The M3 initiative will leverage the state's organized labor force, educational institutions like Macomb Community College, and rich industrial history. It will send a signal to navies and automotive suppliers across the country to locate here in Michigan, creating thousands of jobs throughout the Great Lakes region to meet the Department of Defense's increasing maritime demand.

To meet this demand, Michigan will train submarine construction workers at our local community colleges through the M3 Initiative, with a focus on maritime welding and machining. New pipelines and programs will be implemented that include partnerships with Michigan Works!, labor organizations, local community colleges, the Michigan AFL-CIO's Workforce Development Institute, and economic development organizations so we can accelerate training curricula with a focus on maritime welding and machining.

In addition to establishing and expanding apprenticeship opportunities in the skilled trades, this partnership will also invest in creating apprenticeship opportunities for students that provide ongoing exposure to STEM subjects and manufacturing training to stimulate interest in technical skills and raise awareness of careers in shipbuilding among students in grades 1-12.

In the words of Governor Whitmer, we have done well in Michigan for generations, and our strong defense industry is the result of our can-do attitude. In the Civil War zone, Michiganders mined 90% of the copper to make buttons, canteens, cannons, and of course ships. During World War II, Michiganders rolled up their sleeves again and built ships, bombers, jeeps, and everything in between.

The defense industry is deeply rooted in our roots. It's part of what makes Michigan, Michigan. It's a $30 billion economic engine and supports more than 166,000 jobs and nearly 4,000 businesses. We make more military vehicles than anyone else.

The M3 Initiative will ensure we remain a leader in defense manufacturing while creating new training opportunities and jobs for Michiganders. Together, we will build the cars, chips and ships America needs.