
E15 legislation could lower petrol prices – Bride Rose Sweeney

Gasoline prices are expected to finally drop. According to AAA, gasoline prices are trending downward. This respite will give Americans a breather.

Despite this good news, gasoline prices are still significantly higher than they were four years ago. In 2020, a gallon of gasoline cost an average of $2.26. In 2021, the price rose to $3.10, and in 2022, to $4. These recent sharp price increases have strained Americans' wallets to the limit.

One solution to this problem is E15 gasoline, a fuel that is not only safe but also cheaper and cleaner than traditional gasoline. As Americans continue to navigate the post-COVID economy, they would benefit from year-round sales of E15 gasoline. However, old federal regulations prevent E15 sales during the summer in many parts of the country.

Congress must fix this problem to provide drivers with lower gas prices.

E15 gasoline is made up of 15% ethanol, an organic compound derived primarily from corn. The blend of petroleum and ethanol creates a fuel that is ultimately cleaner and cheaper than conventional gasoline. This blend not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 40%, contributing to a healthier environment, but also helps reduce fuel prices.

E15 is at least 25 cents per gallon cheaper than E10, a 10% ethanol gasoline that most Americans put in their cars every day. In some cases, E15 is as much as $1 cheaper per gallon than other types. According to the Brookings Institution, every dollar saved in gasoline saves low- and middle-income households $530 annually.

This is no small feat. Most working-class families rely on their cars to get to and from work every day. We should not force workers to choose between gas and groceries.

Unfortunately, this is reality for many.

Americans especially need legislation that allows year-round sales of E15, as gasoline prices tend to rise during the summer months. Although gasoline prices have stabilized, unpredictable price increases can still occur this summer. Experts say unpredictable events in the world could drive prices up dramatically. With geopolitical tensions abroad and increasing weather extremes, gasoline prices could fluctuate quickly, hitting consumers in their pockets. E15 legislation would help mitigate unexpected price increases.

Unfortunately, an outdated, nonsensical law prevents the sale of E15 in the summer. Fortunately, the Environmental Protection Agency recently issued an exemption that allows the sale of E15 gasoline in the summer. As commendable as this measure was, one fact remains: EPA exemptions are unpredictable. Who knows what the EPA will decide next year or the year after.

Congress should not leave it to federal bureaucrats to determine when Americans can buy cheaper, cleaner fuel.

Congress should immediately pass legislation allowing year-round sales of E15 gasoline so Americans can get cheaper gasoline. Senate leadership can take action to provide this relief.

Given Congress's bipartisan support for year-round sales of E15, they should make this a reality.

Bride Rose Sweeney is the ranking member of the Ohio House of Representatives Finance Committee. She wrote this for