
AI tool goes viral because it helps people cheat in job interviews

A new AI tool that helps you answer interview questions in real time has gone viral, generating mixed reactions.

The AI ​​tool is called OfferGoose and is gaining popularity among Instagram users. A video posted by the company on Instagram, which has over 28 million views, shows a person using the tool to answer interview questions.

While the video demonstration itself isn't particularly sophisticated, and the person using the tool doesn't seem to be particularly discreet, it can still be helpful if you're having trouble getting through those interviews.

Based on the video, the AI ​​tool listens to your conversation with the interviewer and generates answers to questions in real time. It takes a moment to generate an answer, and during that time it suggests what you can say to the interviewer to gain more time.

For example, when the interviewer asked, “What would be difficult for you in this job?”, the AI ​​recommended asking for a moment of reflection before generating an appropriate answer.

It is not a foolproof tool

Many Instagram users asked in comments about the name of the tool and how to use it, while others criticized the use of AI in interviews. “AI makes people stupid,” said one commenter. “When you're so dependent on AI, you're done for,” said another.

“I've interviewed with similar candidates. You can smell the fraud within the first 30 seconds,” added another commenter.

A quick look at the OfferGoose website shows that the tool is not free to use and we have doubts about its legitimacy.

The website does not clearly state whether the tool can be used in live interviews. Instead, it is advertised as a tool for mock interviews. If you want to sign up, you should use the free trial before making any payment. It is best not to pay anything at all. You can use ChatGPT for the same purpose instead.

There are more benign ways to use AI to critique your Instagram account or even your Twitter profile. Dexerto has also compiled some of the best roasts.