
Defense accuses prosecutor of ethical violations in shooting case

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The defense attorney in a nonfatal shooting case accused prosecutors of unethical conduct during an Aug. 20 hearing before D.C. District Superior Court Judge Errol Arthur.

Amonte Moody, 18, is charged with endangerment with a firearm and possession of a weapon during a violent crime for allegedly being involved in a shooting at 1700 Independence Avenue, SE, on April 22. No injuries were reported.

During the hearing, Judge Arthur confirmed that a previous settlement offer made to Moody was rejected in a hearing before DC Superior Court Judge Rainey Brandt on August 12.

However, defense attorneys Kavya Naini and Molly Bunke said Moody did not understand the offer, making it difficult for him to make an informed decision.

Naini claimed that prosecutors lied about the charges Moody would face if he chose to refuse to confess. According to Naini, prosecutors told her in a phone conversation that they would not pursue a charge of assault with intent to kill.

However, Moody was indicted on these charges. Given the apparent contradiction, Naini argues that the prosecution engaged in unethical conduct and should not have tried the case.

The public prosecutor's office did not comment on the allegations.

Naini and Bunke also raised issues regarding timely disclosure of evidence and notification of expert witnesses. Judge Arthur told the parties that he would not rule on those matters and would leave them to the trial judge, D.C. Superior Court Judge Anthony Epstein.

The parties have requested that the indictment be continued and are scheduled to meet again on August 23.

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