
Videos show: Police officers choke surfer into the sand because he is not wearing a beach badge

Videos of the incident, widely shared on social media, show Belmar police officers putting a surfer in a chokehold as they arrested him on the beach on Tuesday.

Two videos of the incident posted by Facebook user Austin Downs begin with police questioning the surfer. Police say the surfer is a 28-year-old from Junction City, California. The post and videos suggest a dispute over a beach badge.

In one video, both a woman and the surfer protest that they have a beach badge. “I have my badge right here,” says the surfer, still in his wetsuit.

“Why are you arresting him? His badge is here,” the woman says to the police officers.

A moment later, officers grab the surfer by the neck and throw him to the ground. He is handcuffed and then escorted off the beach.

The footage can be seen here and contains strong language. (Downs did not immediately respond to a request for comment.)

Onlookers reacted with shock as the surfer was tackled to the ground by two police officers and protested their actions during the chaotic scene. One woman even walked up to the police officers, clapped her hands to get their attention and shouted, “Get off him!”

Belmar police confirmed they charged the surfer with violating a municipal ordinance regarding beach badge requirements, as well as disturbing the peace, resisting law enforcement and obstructing justice, all of which are public order offenses. The arresting officer was Ryan E. Braswell, according to public court records.

The police department said it was conducting a “thorough review” of the circumstances of the arrest, in accordance with the state's attorney general's guidelines.

It is unclear exactly when the arrest took place on Tuesday.

In Belmar, beach passes are required from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends and holidays.

—Reporter Kevin Shea contributed to this report.

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