
YKGI experiences cybersecurity incident, Chicha San Chen member database hacked

YKGI falls victim to a cybersecurity attack as hackers accessed Chicha San Chen’s member database.

YKGI, the operator of local F&B outlets such as Yew Kee Duck Rice and Chicha San Chen, announced that it recently experienced a cybersecurity incident in which its customer relationship management system operated by a third-party vendor was hacked.

An unknown party gained unauthorized access to one of the provider's shared servers, resulting in unauthorized access to the Chicha San Chen member database stored on the shared server. Upon discovery of the incident, the provider immediately took measures to close the server security vulnerability.

YKGI has reported the cybersecurity incident to the Personal Data Protection Commission.

According to the provider's investigations and analysis, the leaked data also includes personal information of Chicha San Chen members, such as their names, mobile phone numbers, email addresses and encrypted login passwords.

The group has begun notifying individuals whose data has been affected and recommends that all members change their login passwords as soon as possible. It will continue to work with the vendor to strengthen cybersecurity.

In addition, the group will thoroughly investigate the incident to ensure that the data entrusted to the provider remains safe and secure.

The Group states that it is fully committed to responding to this incident in a transparent and proactive manner. The investigation is ongoing and it will provide further significant updates as new developments emerge.

Shares of YKGI Yk9 closed 5.4% higher at 9.7 cents on June 19.

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